The Embodied CEO
It’s time for female solopreneurs to fully step into their power and not just demand a seat at someone else’s table, but set up their own. You’re not here to play it small, you’re not here to fit into a box, and you’re not here to hustle your way to a business that’s fundamentally unaligned with how you function as a human. My idea of business leadership is rooted in freedom of time, money, and choices. Let’s make that our new norm, and let’s have a damn good time doing it.
Meet Kirsten
I’m a Registered Dietitian (RD), Licensed Dietitian (LD), and Certified Dietitian Nutrition Coach.
I have 20 years of experience in this industry, beginning with my undergraduate days at the University of Florida where I worked at the student rec centers while getting my Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition (2001). I then completed my Master of Public Health (2003, also at UF) while working as a Graduate Assistant at the Division of Rec Sports.
While completing my Dietetic Internship in Augusta, Georgia, I worked as a Personal Trainer & Certified Health Education Specialist before completing my national board exam to become a Registered Dietitian (2004).
In my professional career, I’ve worked with active populations of all walks of life. My clients have ranged from everyday gym athletes & weekend warriors to Ironman triathletes, Boston marathoners, former competitive rowers, National Championship track & field athletes, power lifters, football players,aspiring Olympic swimmers, and martial artists.
Connect with Kirsten at or on Instagram